Research Personnel (Research Associates and Post-Doctoral Fellows)
Damber Thapa
Research Associate
Project: Advancement in optical, photothermal and photoacoustic science, with applications spanning biological imaging, pre-clinical and clinical research, non-destructive testing (NDT), and quality assessments.
XinXin Guo
Project: Photothermal device for blood glucose and blood alcohol monitoring; Industrial steels case depth hardness photothermal radiometric insrtumentation; Industry liaison
Alexander Melnikov
Projects: Development of Lock-in Carrieography and PhotoCarrier Radiometry for semiconductor materials and structures; Photovoltaic Solar-Cell non-destructive evaluation; Industrial non-destructive testing and imaging; Industry liaison; Steel hardness depth profilometry
Koneswaran Sivagurunathan
Senior Research Associate
Graduate Students
Rudolf Alfred Alvi
Project: Biomedical imaging of cancerous animal tissues using a photoacoustic radar phase array imager
Sean Choi
PhD student
Edem Dovlo
PhD student
Lilei Hu
PhD Graduate
Huiting Huan
Visiting Ph.D. student
Jungho Kim
Project: Research on photothermal radiometry and luminescence monitoring of dental enamel-filler interfaces
Simon Liang
M. Eng. student
Lixian Liu
Visiting Ph.D. student
Di Zhang
M.A. Sc. student
Khashayar Shojaei-Asanjan
M.A.Sc student
Peng Song
Visiting PhD student
Akshit Soral
M.Eng. student
Nima Tabatabaei
Project: Thermal-wave radar and lock-in infrared camera imaging for non-destructive evaluation
Wei Wang
Project: Photothermoacoustic imaging
Past Members
Bahman Lashkari
Project: Research and development of analytical instrumentation and techniques for photoacoustic diagnosis of early osteoporotic bone loss and density variations
Qiming Sun
Project: Non-destructive optoelectronic imaging
Alireza Jangjoo
Visiting PhD student
Raymond Jeon
Project: Dental Biothermophotonics
Sreekumar Kaiplavil
Project: Research and development of analytical instrumentation and techniques for photothermal diagnosis of early osteoporotic bone loss and density variations
Sahar Kooshki
Visiting PhD candidate
Anna Matvienko
Project: Photothermal systems and analytical techniques for NDE and biology/bioengineering
Diego Armando Ramirez Venegas
Student, Technological University of Querétaro
Sergey Telenkov
Project: Frequency-Domain chirp heterodyne photo-thermo-acoustic methodology for cancerous lesion imaging in turbid tissue.
Project: Photo-Carrier Radiometry of Ion-Implanted Si; general laboratory supervisor
Yu Wei
PhD student