Infrared photocarrier radiometry, modulated photovoltage and electrical characteristics of polycrystalline Si solar cells

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A. Melnikov, A. Mandelis, J. Tolev and E. Lioudakis, "Infrared photocarrier radiometry, modulated photovoltage and electrical characteristics of polycrystalline Si solar cells", Proc. 15 Int. Conf. Photoacoustic Photothermal Phenomena (15-ICPPP), July 19 – 23, 2009, Leuven, Belgium, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 214 012111 (1 – 5) (2010).

Infrared photocarrier radiometry, modulated photovoltage and electrical characteristics of polycrystalline Si solar cells

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A. Melnikov, A. Mandelis, J. Tolev and E. Lioudakis, "Infrared photocarrier radiometry, modulated photovoltage and electrical characteristics of polycrystalline Si solar cells", Proc. 15 Int. Conf. Photoacoustic Photothermal Phenomena (15-ICPPP), July 19 – 23, 2009, Leuven, Belgium, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 214 012111 (1 – 5) (2010).