Photothermal Electrostatics of the Pd-PVDF Photopyroelectric Hydrogen Gas Sensor

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A. Mandelis and C. Christofides, "Photothermal Electrostatics of the Pd-PVDF Photopyroelectric Hydrogen Gas Sensor", in Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena III, Proc. 7th International Topical Meeting on PA and PT Phenomena, Doorwerth, The Netherlands, August 26-30, 1991; D. Bicanic, Ed. (Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1992), pp. 6-8.

Photothermal Electrostatics of the Pd-PVDF Photopyroelectric Hydrogen Gas Sensor

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A. Mandelis and C. Christofides, "Photothermal Electrostatics of the Pd-PVDF Photopyroelectric Hydrogen Gas Sensor", in Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena III, Proc. 7th International Topical Meeting on PA and PT Phenomena, Doorwerth, The Netherlands, August 26-30, 1991; D. Bicanic, Ed. (Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1992), pp. 6-8.