Complete List of Prize Winners

THE 2024 IPPA PRIZE WINNERS (Coimbra, Portugal)

IPPA Senior Prize: Two awards were made

Juan José Alvarado Gil (Cinvestav Unidad Merida, Mexico)

For outstanding contributions to photoacoustic and photothermal science, including theoretical and experimental works on smart, composite, functional, and phase change materials, as well as for exploring heat transport on the nanoscale;  for the application of these techniques to the study of physics, physical chemistry, materials science, biological systems, and thermal solar energy; for his contribution to the development of thermal-wave based methodologies for monitoring the time evolution of complex systems and the correlation between the nano and the macroscale, considering the dominant energy carriers responsible for heat transfer; for his contribution to supervising and training new scientists who have become independent and successful researchers.

Mladen Franko (University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia

For significant contributions to the development of thermal lens spectrometric instrumentation and the theory of photochemical reactions; for measurements of temperature dependent photothermal properties of water and aqueous solutions; for validation, confirmation and affirmation of thermal lens spectrometry as detection technique in liquid chromatography and flow injection analysis; for applications of thermal lens spectrometry in chemical analysis, and biomedical research; for distinguished service to the photoacoustic & photothermal community, including organizing and chairing conferences, seminars, workshops, and schools; for his outstanding effort and commitment to educating new generations of scientists on photoacoustic & photothermal phenomena.

IPPA James Smith Prize: Two winners were honored under the same citation

Vasilis Ntziachristos (Technical University of Munich, Germany) & Daniel Razansky (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

For the development of multi-spectral optoacoustic tomography (MSOT) methods that greatly surpass the penetration limits of optical microscopy and enable new high-resolution, deep penetration capabilities for molecular imaging and noninvasive early diagnostics in the fields of oncology, dermatology, diabetes, cardiovascular, inflammatory diseases and more; for sustained and profound impact on the field of biomedical optoacoustics (photoacoustics) for over 20 years, making pioneering scientific contributions and technology development alongside outstanding efforts in their clinical translation; for innovations and inventions successfully commercialized and deployed in numerous biomedical research labs and clinical facilities around the globe; for extraordinary service to the photoacoustic community, including the founding of Photoacoustics, a journal which has quickly become the leading journal in the field, organization of numerous conferences, seminars, and meetings and countless invited, keynote and plenary talks presented worldwide.

IPPA Junior Prize: Samuel Raetz (Le Mans University, Institute of Acoustics, France)

For original contributions to non-destructive testing through laser ultrasonics, including insights into non-axisymmetric optoacoustic generation in low-absorbing materials and evaluation of adhesive bonding and fatigued materials using zero-group velocity Lamb modes; for significant advancements in refining the experimental setup, innovating signal processing techniques, and supporting theoretical analyses of three-dimensional imaging of complex transparent materials using time-domain Brillouin scattering, facilitating remarkable applications of the technique, particularly in assessing and tracking the evolution of complex materials, notably under high pressure conditions in diamond anvil cells; and for dedicated involvement in various activities and services benefiting the photoacoustic and photothermal communities.

IPPA Gerald J. Diebold Prize in Theoretical Photoacoustics and Photothermics: Vitalyi E. Gusev (Le Mans University, France)

For seminal theoretical contributions to the field of photoacoustics in multiple areas such as generation and detection of  coherent shear acoustic waves by ultrashort laser pulses, non-thermal mechanisms of photoacoustic conversion in piezoelectric semiconductors and ferroelectrics, time-domain Brillouin scattering and its application to  depth profiling and imaging, laser ultrasonics in nanostructured and two-dimensional materials and nonlinear photoacoustic diagnostics of cracks, and thermal diffusion shock waves; and for providing theoretical guidance to new generations of scientists in these areas.

THE 2022 IPPA PRIZE WINNERS (Bled, Slovenia)

IPPA Senior Prize: Mauro L. Baesso (Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Brazil)

For outstanding contributions in the field of photoacoustic and photothermal science, including theoretical and experimental works on the thermal lens, photothermal beam deflection, and photoacoustic detection. For the pioneering development of the thermal mirror and photomechanical mirror to investigate radiation pressure in liquids. For the application of all these techniques in physics, chemical physics, material science, biophysics, biomedical, pharmaceutical, biochemistry, foodstuffs, and agricultural physics. For his outstanding contribution to training new scientists with subsequent successful careers.

IPPA James Smith Prize: Two awards were made

Oliver Wright (Hokkaido University, Japan)

For pioneering work in laser picosecond ultrasonics and surface wave imaging, including a new kind of optics-based phonon detection that tracks the ultrafast motion of surfaces, opening up for the first time the possibility of recording and imaging picosecond surface vibrations in the time domain. This naturally led to the opportunity of mapping surface waves in a wide range of systems, such as crystals, phononic crystals, phononic-crystal waveguides, microcavities and metamaterials, as well as to the investigation of metallodielectric nanostructures, photonic and plasmonic nanostructures, and quantum wells.

Christ Glorieux (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)

For his outstanding contributions to the photoacoustics and photothermal research fields, developing new techniques, performing high-quality measurements, and evaluating the properties of many materials, including glasses and phase transitions. For his valuable theoretical and experimental contributions to non-destructive testing, using non-contact interferometric scanning, laser ultrasonics, and full-field imaging techniques. For exploring inverse problems aiming at a quantitative evaluation of the in-depth physical properties of materials and defects, and for his commitment to training new generations of scientists.

IPPA Junior Prize: Gustavo V. B. LUKASIEVICZ (Federal University of Technology – Paraná, Brazil)

For his contributions to the analytical description of the laser-induced surface deformation of solids and for the quantitative evaluation of thermal, optical, and mechanical properties of semi-transparent and opaque materials using the time-resolved photothermal lens technique. For his contribution to the development of the photomechanical mirror method to measure the time-dependent nanometer-scale deformation generated on the surface of liquids due to radiation forces.

THE 2019 IPPA PRIZE WINNERS (Moscow, Russia)

IPPA Senior Prize: Silvia Braslavsky (Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany)
For outstanding lifelong achievements in photochemistry and photobiology, in particular on the molecular aspects of the light absorption by biological photoreceptors such as photosynthetic reaction centers, phytochromes, retinal- and blue-light absorbing proteins and their chromophore models. For the development of laser-induced optoacoustic spectroscopy tools and instrumentation, and for the determination of the thermodynamic parameters of reactions taking place in nano- and microsecond time scales, unveiling the role of water as well as the protein movements. For her strong influence on several generations of researchers in photochemistry and photobiology, in particular shaping the Latin-American science and technology research groups.

IPPA Junior Prize: Roman Anufriev (University of Tokyo, Japan)
For outstanding experimental and theoretical contributions to the field of heat transfer in solids using time-domain micro-thermoreflectance, including the investigation of ballistic and coherent thermal phonon transport in various silicon nanostructures especially in phononic crystals, and the demonstration of novel heat flux control techniques in semiconductor by nanostructuration enabling heat guiding and focusing.

IPPA James Smith Prize: Two awards were made

Gerd Busse (Institute for polymer technology (IKT), University of StuttgartD-70569, Stuttgart, Germany)
For a lifetime of contributions to the field of photoacoustic and photothermal methods, including the development of defect-selective ultrasound activated lock-in thermography as well as adaptation of optical interferometric detection methods for non-destructive testing of advanced materials and aerospace structures using modulated thermal wave methods

Keith A. Nelson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA)
For advances in the optical excitation and control of coherent longitudinal and transverse acoustic and optical phonons; for developing laser-induced transient grating spectroscopy as a tool both for the fundamental science and for the characterization of materials and thin films; for seminal results in studies of the liquid-glass transition and of phonon-mediated heat transport on the micro/nano scale; for extending photoacoustic and photothermal techniques into the extreme ultraviolet range; and for fostering careers of many scientists productively working in photoacoustics and related fields.


IPPA Senior Prize: Shu-yi Zhang (Bilbao, Spain)
For outstanding lifelong achievements in photoacoustic, photothermal, and related fields with
contributions to photoacoustic microscopy (PAM), scanning electron-acoustic microscopy (SEAM) and modulated optical reflectance (MOR) imaging techniques, including linear and nonlinear effects and their applications to high-resolution imaging and depth-profiling of laminated and/or inhomogeneous structural materials; with the applications of photoacoustic spectroscopy and photothermal characterization of thin films, superlattices and heterojunctions, nano-scaled perovskite powders, and highly luminescent rare-earth coordination complexes; for her innovative contributions to theories and experiments of laser ultrasonics including generation and propagation of ultrasonic waves; for her historical work in establishing and fostering the growth of the photoacoustic and photothermal sciences in China through sustained decades-long research, and for contributions to the education and formation of scores of young minds in the PA/PT field.

IPPA Junior Prize: Austin J. Minnich (Bilbao, Spain)
For outstanding contributions to the understanding of quasiballistic thermal transport, including the discovery of quasiballistic phonon transport using photothermal methods enabling the probing of phonon mean free paths; for demonstrating how microscopic transport properties of thermal phonons in solids may be obtained using photothermal experimental methods; and for advances in the mathematical treatment of quasiballistic transport using the Boltzmann equation.

IPPA James Smith Prize: Humphrey J. Maris (Bilbao, Spain)
For pioneering picosecond laser ultrasonics, experimental technique based on the application of the femtosecond lasers both to generation and to detection of the coherent hypersound, which became a key tool for opto-acousto-optic studies of nanomaterials and nanostructures in microelectronics and in fundamental research. For pioneering picosecond acoustic interferometry also called time resolved or time domain Brillouin scattering. For the first applications of the developed pump-probe ultrafast optical techniques to the studies of the acoustic waves and vibrations in heterostructures and nanostructures, to first measurements of absorption and dispersion of coherent acoustic waves in GHz frequency range, to fundamental investigations of Boson peak in glasses, nonequilibrium transport of overheated electrons in metals and acoustic solitons in crystals. For the development of various applications of picosecond laser ultrasonics in non-destructive testing of thin films, coatings and interfacial layers. For the development of the opto-acoustic methods and apparatus for performing high resolution acoustic microscopy with picosecond acoustic pulses.


IPPA Senior Prize: Lihong Wang (Novi Sad, Serbia)
For seminal technical contributions and visionary scientific leadership in the field of biomedical photoacoustic imaging. For the development of advanced mathematical methods for image reconstruction, experimental techniques for photoacoustic tomography and microscopy and pioneering studies in functional and molecular in vivo photoacoustic imaging. For demonstrating the broad application of photoacoustic imaging in biology and medicine and service to the field of photoacoustic science.

IPPA Junior Prize: Nelson Astrath (Novi Sad, Serbia)
For outstanding experimental and theoretical contributions to the development of different photothermal methods, the mode mismatched thermal mirror technique in particular, which has substantially enhanced material research in general, and the study of photochemical and photophysics processes in liquids in particular. For his contribution to the experimental demonstration and detailed theoretical interpretation of radiation forces in water by making use of a photomechanical mirror detection approach.

IPPA James Smith Prize: Alexander Oraevsky, Robert Kruger and A. Karabutov (Novi Sad, Serbia)
For pioneering contributions to the field of biomedical photoacoustic imaging including the development of the first imaging instruments, the mathematics underlying photoacoustic signal generation and image reconstruction and acquisition of the first photoacoustic images in tissue-like media and living human tissue.


IPPA Senior Prize 2013, Suzhou, China
Professor Josef Pelzl

For pioneering research on phase-resolved photoacoustic spectroscopy, photothermally modulated magnetic resonance, thermal detection of ferromagnetic resonance, nanometer scale thermal microscopy, measurement of thermal properties of solids, and contributions to the theory of both photoacoustic and photothermal science; for mentoring of young scientists, and initiation of cooperative research projects that have resulted in dissemination of photoacoustic and photothermal methods worldwide; and for contributions to international conferences as plenary lecturer, chairman, and scientific advisor.

James Smith IPPA Prize 2013, Suzhou, China
Professor Peter Hess

For advances in the photoacoustic trace detection of gases; for poineering work in laser generation of surface acoustic waves (2D) and wedge waves (1D), the development of the fields of nonlinear elastic surface and wedge waves, the discovery of solitary surface and supersonic leaky wedge waves, and the exploration of these waves for the determination of mechanical properties, nondestructive evaluation, and the physics of impulsive fracture.

IPPA Junior Prize 2013, Suzhou, China
Dr. Edilberto Jose Ordoñez Miranda

For his outstanding contributions to the understanding and modeling of heat transport at the micro and nanoscales, as well as at very short time scales in nanoengineered materials. For finding a novel model of heat conduction based on the Boltzmann transport equation, and opening a new line of research to analytically describe heat propagation in a simple way, yet with high accuracy. For his pioneering studies on the contribution of surface electromagnetic waves to the thermal conductivity of materials, and demonstrating that they have the potential to offset the reduction of the phonon thermal conductivity at the nanoscale.


IPPA Senior Prize 2011, Merida
Professor Helion Vargas

For outstanding lifelong achievements in photoacoustics with pioneering applications in detecting electron-phonon interactions, phase transitions and ferromagnetic resonance in films; for the introduction of several novel experimental methods like the open photoacoustic cell nowadays applied in the study many different types of systems in physics, chemical physics, biophysics and agriculture; for sharing his knowledge with fellow scientists all over the world and, in particular, for inspiring and motivating so many young scientists and for his huge influence in the establishment of so many strong photoacoustic and photothermal groups in Latin America.

James Smith IPPA Prize 2011, Merida
Professor Gerald Diebold

For his outstanding and seminal contributions to photoacoustics and related fields, including experiments showing photochemical generation of sound, formulation of the theory of ultrasound generation from layered structures and bodies with simple geometries, and pioneering the field of the giant photoacoustic effect; for his elegant and lasting theoretical work increasingly used by many in a diversity of fields; for being instrumental in building and maintaining a vibrant international photoacoustic and photothermal community; and for his numerous efforts to the organization and quality of conferences for the benefit of scientists working in the photoacoustic, photothermal and related research fields.

IPPA Junior Prize 2011, Merida
Dr. Norbero Daniel Lanzillotti-Kimura

For his outstanding contributions to the field of photoacoustic generation and detection of coherent acoustic phonons; for the design and engineering of hypersound devices and their use in the study of novel physical phenomena.


IPPA Senior Prize 2009, Leuven
Professor Andreas Mandelis

for his seminal theoretical work in the shaping of thermal-wave sciences and associated thermophysical instrumentation and measurement technologies, including thermal wave depth-profilometry, imaging and the thermal wave inverse problem; the development of photopyroelectic sensors, the thermal-wave resonant cavity and biothermophotonics; and for his pioneering experimental work in laser infrared photothermal radiometry of semiconductors and the mathematical foundations of the field of diffusion waves.

IPPA Junior Prize 2009, Leuven
Dr. Todd Murray

for outstanding contributions to high sensitivity ultrasonically based inspection techniques, application to the mechanical characterization of thin films, plates and membranes, functionally graded coatings, and micro- and nano-electromechanical systems; development of laser array approaches for the optical generation and detection of elastic waves; and development of a novel photorefractive crystal-based technique to detect ultrasound-modulated light in diffuse media.

James Smith IPPA Prize 2009, Leuven

The James Smith IPPA Prize, established in 2009, was shared between Daniele Fournier and Claude Boccara.

Professor Daniele Fournier

for invention of the mirage effect photothermal deflection technique together with A. C. Boccara and its applications to non-destructive testing and materials evaluation; for pioneering work in applications of thermo-reflectance to semiconductors and thin-layer coatings; of photothermal microscopy to submicron investigations of thermophysical properties; and for the development of wavelength multiplexing and Fourier analysis for submicron thermal imaging.

Dr. Claude Boccara

for invention of the mirage effect photothermal deflection technique together with D. Fournier and its applications to non-destructive testing and materials evaluation; for pioneering work in applications of thermo-reflectance to electronic and thermal properties of semiconductors; and for seminal contributions to heat diffusion and light scattering in diffusing media and near field optics beyond the diffraction limit.


IPPA Senior Prize 2007, Cairo
Dr. C. Kumar N. Patel

for pioneering work in application of photoacoustics to trace detection in gases and liquids; development of high sensitivity signal acquisition techniques for liquid photoacoustics; application of photoacoustic sensing to the solution of analytical, medical, and environmental problems; discovery of laser action on the vibrational-rotational transitions of molecules; and for invention of the high power carbon dioxide laser which has proven to be of key importance in the development of photoacoustic science.

IPPA Junior Prize 2007, Cairo
Dr. Bincheng Li

for seminal contributions to the applications of photothermal and thermoelastic techniques to the thermal characterization of grains, thin films on substrates, solids, gas jets and other industrial materials; for the development and applications of photocarrier diffusion-wave techniques to electronic transport studies of semiconductors; for the development of multi-parameter photothermal and photocarrier-wave computational techniques and their applications to industrial problems.


IPPA Senior Prize 2004, Rio de Janeiro
Prof. Vitalyi Gusev

for seminal theoretical contributions to the field of ultrafast photoacoustic and photothermal processes in materials comprising acousto-electronic properties of semiconductors, laser-based ultrasonic pulse generation, and carrier-phonon interaction; for numerous contributions to elucidating the fundamental physics of the photoacoustic effect; and for his coauthorship, with Alexander Karabutov of “Laser Optoacoustics” which has become the classic text in the field of photoacoustics.

IPPA Junior Prize 2004, Rio de Janeiro
Dr. Alex Maznev

for outstanding contributions to the understanding of the generation of photoacoustic waves at surfaces and interfaces, and of their time-resolved detection; for his elucidation of the physics of phonon focusing; and for his key role in the development of experimental methodology, theory, and industrial applications of transient grating methods, including their use for the determination of film thickness, thermal transport and elastic properties of materials.


IPPA Prize 2002, Toronto
Dr. Allan Rosencwaig

For fostering the renaissance of photoacoustic and photothermal science with seminal contributions in the field of surface spectroscopy with applications to solid state physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, and electronic materials. For pioneering work, in collaboraiton with Allen Gersho, in formulating the theory of the photoacoustic effect in condensed matter, which is among the most frequently cited theoretical contributions in the field of photoacoustics. For his enterpreneurial leadership in applying photothermal and modulated reflectance techniques as semiconductor diagnostics in practical metrology instruments that are now widely employed in industry.

Dr. Andrew Tam

For his lifelong contributions to the theory and application of photoacoustic and photothermal effects. For his insightful development of the fields of photoacoustic spectroscopy of condensed matter, and laser processing and cleaning of semiconductors; and for succeeding, as a research scientist at IBM Almaden Laboratories, in incorporating photoacoustic and photothermal processes into the industrial environment, such as his Laser Curvature Adjustment Technique (LCAT) for fine tuning the curvature of the air bearing surface of the ceramic slider.