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Home List Publications: Diffusion-Wave Physics
Diffusion-Wave Physics
Fourier-Laplace Spectral Theory for Non-Steady-State Thermal Fields with Applications to Problems in Steady-State Photothermal Linear Frequency Modulation
A. Mandelis and X. Guo, “Fourier-Laplace Spectral Theory for Non-Steady-State Thermal Fields with Applications to Problems in Steady-State Photothermal Linear Frequency Modulation”, Phys. Rev. Appl. 14, 024058 (13 pages) (2020) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.14.024058 - PDF
Comparative study on thermal-wave fields in bi-layered semi-cylindrical and full cylindrical solids
G. Xie, J-P Hu, R. Tai, C-H Wang, and A. Mandelis, "Comparative study on thermal-wave fields in bi-layered semi-cylindrical and full cylindrical solids", Int. J. Thermophys. 36 (5-6), 1131-1136 (May-June 2015) DOI: 10.1007/s10765-014-1587-3 - PDF
Equivalence of normalized thermal-wave fields between curved and flat surfaces and its application in the characterization of curved samples
C-H. Wang, J. Zhang, L.W. Liu, and A. Mandelis, "Equivalence of normalized thermal-wave fields between curved and flat surfaces and its application in the characterization of curved samples", Int. J. Thermophys. 34 (8-9), 1429 – 1434 (2013) [DOI 10.1007/s10765-013-1441-z]. - PDF
Modeling of thermal-wave fields in radially inhomogeneous spherical solids using the Green function method
J. Zhang , G-X. Xie, C-H. Wang, and A. Mandelis, "Modeling of thermal-wave fields in radially inhomogeneous spherical solids using the Green function method", Int. J. Thermophys. 33 (10-11), 2230–2236 [DOI 10.1007/s10765-012-1312-z. (Nov. 2012)]. - PDF
Laser induced thermal-wave fields in multi-layered spherical solids based on Green function method
J. Zhang, G. Xie, C-H. Wang, and A. Mandelis, "Laser induced thermal-wave fields in multi-layered spherical solids based on Green function method", J. Appl. Phys. 112, 033521 (14 pages) (2012) [] - PDF
Characterization of the thermal-wave field in a wedge-shaped solid using the Green function method
J. Zhang , R. Tai, C.-H Wang and A. Mandelis, "Characterization of the thermal-wave field in a wedge-shaped solid using the Green function method", Int. J. Thermophys. 34, 1585 - 1590 (2012) [DOI 10.1007/s10765-012-1367-x] - PDF
Thermal conductivity depth-profile reconstruction of multilayered cylindrical solids using the Green function method
G. Xie, J. Zhang, L. Liu, C-H. Wang and A. Mandelis, "Thermal conductivity depth-profile reconstruction of multilayered cylindrical solids using the Green function method", J. Appl. Phys. 109, 113534 (1 - 13) (June 2011) - PDF
Frequency-domain theory of laser infrared photothermal radiometric detection of thermal waves generated by diffuse-photon-density wave fields in turbid media
A. Mandelis and C. Feng, "Frequency-domain theory of laser infrared photothermal radiometric detection of thermal waves generated by diffuse-photon-density wave fields in turbid media", Phys. Rev. E 65, 021909 (1-19) (2002). - PDF
Structure and the Reflectionless / Refractionless Nature of Parabolic Diffusion Wave Fields
A. Mandelis, L. Nicolaides and Y. Chen, "Structure and the Reflectionless / Refractionless Nature of Parabolic Diffusion Wave Fields", Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (2), 020801-1 - 020801-4 (9 July 2001). - PDF
Many Uses for Diffusion Waves
A. Mandelis "Many Uses for Diffusion Waves", (Letters), Physics Today Vol. 54, No. 3 (March 2001), pp. 15, 100-102. - PDF
Diffusion Waves and their Uses
A. Mandelis, "Diffusion Waves and their Uses", Physics Today Vol. 53, Part I, August 2000, pp. 29-34. - PDF
Purely Thermal-Wave Interferometry
C. Wang and A. Mandelis, "Purely Thermal-Wave Interferometry", J. Appl. Phys. 85, Number 12, 8366 - 8377, 15 June 1999. - PDF
Hamiltonian Plasma-Harmonic Oscillator Theory: Generalized Depth Profilometry of Electronically Continuously Inhomogeneous Semiconductors and the Inverse Problem
A. Salnick and A. Mandelis, "Hamiltonian Plasma-Harmonic Oscillator Theory: Generalized Depth Profilometry of Electronically Continuously Inhomogeneous Semiconductors and the Inverse Problem", J. Appl. Phys. 80 (9), 5278 - 5288 , November 1, 1996. - PDF
Green’s Functions in Thermal Wave Physics: Cartesian Coordinate Representations
A. Mandelis, "Green's Functions in Thermal Wave Physics: Cartesian Coordinate Representations", J. Appl. Phys. 78, 647 - 655, 15 July 1995. - PDF
Perturbation Theoretical Approach to the Generalized Kubelka Munk Problem in Non homogeneous Optical Media
A. Mandelis and J.P. Grossman, "Perturbation Theoretical Approach to the Generalized Kubelka Munk Problem in Non homogeneous Optical Media", Appl. Spectrosc. 46, 737 -745, 1992. - PDF
Theory of Photothermal Wave Diffraction Tomography via Spatial Laplace Spectral Decomposition
A. Mandelis, "Theory of Photothermal Wave Diffraction Tomography via Spatial Laplace Spectral Decomposition", J. Phys. A: Math. General 24, 2485 - 2505, June, 1991. - PDF
Photothermal Wave Diffraction and Interference in Condensed Media: Experimental Evidence in Aluminum
A. Mandelis and K.F. Leung, "Photothermal Wave Diffraction and Interference in Condensed Media: Experimental Evidence in Aluminum", J.O.S.A. A 8, 186 - 200, January, 1991. - PDF
Theory of Photothermal Wave Diffraction and Interference in Condensed Phases
A. Mandelis, "Theory of Photothermal Wave Diffraction and Interference in Condensed Phases", J.O.S.A. A 6 (2), 298 - 308, February, 1989. - PDF
Theory of the Photopyroelectric Effect in Solids
A. Mandelis and M. Zver, "Theory of the Photopyroelectric Effect in Solids", J. Appl. Phys. 57 (9), 4421 4430, May, 1985. - PDF
Hamilton Jacobi Formulation and Quantum Theory of Thermal Wave Propagation in the Solid State
A. Mandelis, "Hamilton Jacobi Formulation and Quantum Theory of Thermal Wave Propagation in the Solid State", J. Math. Phys. 26 (10), 2676 - 2683, October, 1985. - PDF
Relaxation Time Measurements in Frequency and Time Domain Photoacoustic Spectroscopy of Condensed Phases
A. Mandelis and B.S.H. Royce, "Relaxation Time Measurements in Frequency and Time Domain Photoacoustic Spectroscopy of Condensed Phases", Proceedings of Topical Meeting on Photoacoustic Spectroscopy, August 13, 1979. Ames, Iowa. (Sponsored by The Optical Society of America). - PDF
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